of The Curlew Community Centre . A Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO). Reg. Charity 116509

The 2025 Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday March 4th at 6.30pm in the Bridge Room in the Curlew Centre, Memorial Park, Bridge Road, Sutton Bridge. PE12 9SA


1 .Appointment of Chair for the meeting: Peter Clery . Proposed by Mark Everitt, seconded by John Cooper

     2.Members’ apologies for absence.

  1. Minutes of the AGM held on March 5th 2024 .
  2. Report by the Chair of the Management Committee. Mark Everitt.
  3. Joint Treasurers Report. Margaret Mason and Peter Clery. Presentation             of the accounts and approval thereof for the Year ended July 31st 2024. Also approval of the CIO tax return and submission to HMRC.
  4. Election of Honorary Treasurer for the ensuing year. Margaret Mason. Proposed by   Mark Everitt. Seconded by Peter Clery.
  5. Election of the Management Committee for 2025-26:

Chair : Mark Everitt . Ann Wright, Melvyn Philpott, Margaret Mason , Rebekah Johnson, Shelley Gittins, Elizabth Clery (Secretary) ; Colleen Brown. Proposed en bloc By Peter Clery. Seconded by John Cooper.

Close of Formal Meeting.

No business shall be conducted other than that on this agenda.

After the formal business, there will be an open forum for general discussion of the business and activities of the Centre to which members of the public are invited to join, speaking at the invitation of the Chair. . Members of the public may not speak in the main meeting.

For and on behalf of The Curlew Community Centre CIO Trustees

Mark Everitt   February 1st 2025.